Friday, August 20, 2010

Can Cervix Be Low And Be Pregnant?

Casadeipensieri2010. Presented the program.

presented today at the Parco Nord in Bologna, Casadeipensieri2010 edition of the twentieth anniversary of the Unity Day cultural festival in Bologna.
The speakers, with Artistic Director David Ferrari, Piero Mioli, musicologist, poet Gregory Scalise. Massimo Meliconi presided.

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Unity Day of National Day of School Bologna

Culture. The legacy of this "
1991-2010: 20 issues Casadeipensieri

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Twenty years ago, in a Unity Day profoundly affected by the change from PCI to PDS, was born the first major international event sponsored by the "House of thoughts, which in 1987 promoted events and book presentations.
editions have followed for two decades, a volunteer job that has few equals in the field of culture.
The formula has been gradually updated, but the "heart" of the proposal remains the same: the insight that around the new books can be promoted with events that they see the word, image, music. The content has followed different lines of research, not giving a peculiar trait of continuity and depth: the relationship between literature and social and civic life, the refusal of the closure and opening provincialistica to the literatures of Europe and the world. This year's program, which also contains a contribution, an original note, Roberto Roversi, is titled: "Culture, The legacy of this." Even the present, not only the past struggles for democracy and social justice, is in fact denied by the reading of the media covered by the patina of roughly. Cultural heritage of this will mean to analyze, with the instruments of memory and with an eye to the contradictions in which we live.
speech in Bologna, including "Today" and "yesterday", open the program from the movie "Fever to do." Here are dozens of events, thanks to the participation, among many others, such as personality Enrique Baron Crespo, Agnes Heller, Eugenio Trias, Hugo Hamilton, Paul Vangelisti, Nanni Balestrini, Giulio Giorello, Eugenio Riccomini, Mioli Piero, Daniele Benati, Carlo Flamigni, Pavolini Lorenzo, Matteo Nucci, Gregory Scalise, Marco Antonio Bazzocchi, Gian Enrico Rusconi, Rolando Dondarini, Giancarlo Codrignani, Lori Machiavelli.
The "Targa memory of Paul Volponi," which has become over the years one of the most significant awards promoted Bologna, this year goes to Vincenzo Cerami, a life of words in literature, cinema and theater and Edith Bruck, a great writer , a town of Europe, a witness of our time, the horror of the Holocaust today.

One important change: the program will take place in parallel to the rich program of North Park, some of the main libraries in the city center (see program of the series "The knowledge, dialogue), the sign of an indissoluble bond between Day and the city.

Casadeipensieri to the party National school with more opportunities for reflection and encounter with Franco Cambi, Luigi Guerra, Enzo Morgagni, Franco Frabboni, Graziella Giovannini, Dario Missaglia. With Mario and Giancarlo Cerini Fierli, we host the comparison between many, extraordinary magazines and online portals on education and the school year, among many other anniversaries, dedicated to the memory of Gianni Rodari.

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Past and present
The note written by Roberto Roversi for Casadeipensieri2010

"The past is an open dump on the fly as a fist fight and
hundreds or thousands of gulls:
This is a river that goes into a dark cave where aspen, down below, a small light.
But this, in his mysterious wandering, singing or screaming on occasion.
between present and past is still a revolving door of oblivion, which opens and closes, letting in the archive of individual memories, but empty, however, still remains the fumigant for the actions or ideas or feelings already eaten, suffered, enjoyed, suffered, no regrets.
The past is thus made up of shadows and lights have been recognized, restored, cataloged, transcribed and recognizable to date clearly visible on the forehead.
This is arguably ambiguous and difficult uncertain and violent, leaving no truce all'ansimare hectic life, we feel the breath on my neck.
But today in this August of 2010, this is terrible and vile and forces us to watch for tears and sleepless cold fury.
"From a FIAT blow to the country."
"FIOM understand that the world has changed, there is no room for non-rewarding."
"For the work we have rights but also duties, crucial to safeguard our competitiveness" This
Marchionne Obama: thanks Sergio, The Fiat gets to the president at Chrysler have been reborn thanks to his courage ... "You did a great job." The reply: "The role of the U.S. government was different from the Italian." This
: New
meeting FIAT - unions and new diktat in all the factories as nothing else Pomigliano investment. " This
: Twenty billion investment in Italian factories, but the conditions of Marchionne.
This? This summer is a sea of \u200b\u200bblood along 50 km.
There is a battle being fought to the death on the field but the workers need to be recognized on the roof. "


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