Friday, December 31, 2010

Microwave Plates Spark

Happy New Year!

acquired a new impetus by a beautiful musical afternoon spent with Roberto Mastrosimone, I dedicate to him (and all those who have the pleasure of reading these lines) musical entertainment year-end, which draws its main inspiration from the ideas that emerged during of friendly chatter made the other day.
remain at more serious issues, I suggest listening to the first movement "Andante" from the Ninth Symphony in D major by Gustav Mahler, in an interpretation that I found extremely interesting and meaningful, especially when we compared the performance of Eschenbach We dedicated the other day. This is a "live" recordings dating back to March of 1971, output only a few years ago thanks to the BBC's editorial, which held a deep archive of live performances, some of impressive artistic level and for the most part been followed trade. Operation highly commendable, especially when he takes the testimony of a composer-conductor, virtually absent from the recording studios: "our" Bruno Maderna, here on the podium of the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Time taken, such as those of Eschenbach, but supported by a tension and a treatment that leads to a result of interpretation that critics have rightly defined by Anglo-Saxon " hair-rising."

more frivolous - and in line with the festive atmosphere - the second point, a "Sheherazade" a little out of the big jet set around the record but excellent, as well as excellent value for money. After two tastes useful for me to document my personal fondness for percussion effettacci (will not be difficult to identify which of these tools I am referring in this case), I propose that the entire fourth movement to foster a more informed opinion. I leave to willing to guess the performers ...

There is no self-respecting New Year Strauss waltz.
And then, here it is:

Okay, now here's the Strauss "owner". To recall a conductor who died recently, perhaps in part by the public away from "salons" but close to the hearts of the people, behold the Son of Johann Strauss' Kaiser-Walzer "in the interpretation of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra conducted by Erich Kunzel.

HAPPY 2011!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Memeber Account For

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Centrifuge Ridgecrest


Mario Monicelli. A friend of ours. A terrible act, for all ages and in all conditions. He wanted to die alive. Only this we are sure.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Apply Extensions?

The past, oh this!

Video produced by Casadeipensieri at the States General of the culture promoted by the PD of Bologna. The video
, has a text drawn from the explanatory note, "The Past, the Present," written by Roberto Roversi for Casadeipensieri2010, with music by Giovanni Battista Martini in juvenile executions taken from video on YouTube, and takes place in a sequence of images of historical figures and life cultural Bologna.
The art direction is by David Ferrari, the realization by Mazzanti Media.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Gingerbread Kosher

Available "Gaslini Symphony 3" (Velut Moon)

Available the new cd of jazz pianist and composer Giorgio Gaslini, " Sinfonico3 Gaslini", published by Velut Moon, which I participated as a pianist for the song "The forest of Beuys' directed by Roberto Bonati and registered at the Parma Frontiere Jazz Festival 2008.

for baritone voice, small female chorus, clarinet, cello, piano and percussion
(text taken from an interview with Mark Bagnoli artist Joseph Beuys - a permit for Lucrezia De Domizio Durini)

Valdis Jansons, baritone /
Oak Ensemble: Marco Unknown , clarinets / Sgobbi Alexander, piano / Buti Gregorio, cello / Gregory Ferrarese, percussion / Giorgio Ubaldi, choir director / Roberto Bonati , director

Casa della Musica, Parma, November 8th, 2008.

Los Angeles Dmv Easiest

A conversation with Guido Fanti.

Bologna.-Dialogue of the city.

16 November 2010 to 18 at Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza Galvani 1 / h,
meeting on
"Bologna 2050. The future starts today. Dialogue with the city Guido Fanti"
spoke Sergio Lo Giudice and Davide Ferrari .
leads Marco Sacchetti. Events
The Feltrinelli in collaboration with Casadeipensieri.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dell Inspiron 1525 Sd/mmc Cared Reader Driver

Aphorisms Protestants: review of Marco Buttafuoco

New review for my album Aphorisms Protestants: Marco Buttafuoco on

Here's the link:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best Attribute Of A Firefighter

Interview with Davide Ferrari on Casadeipensieri2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Figure Out A Casehard Combination

Aphorisms Protestants: Review of F. Bergoglio

E 'available first review of my new album "Aphorisms Protestants", edited by Franco Bergoglio for Jazzitalia. To read it click the link below:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Soap Notes Occupational Therapy Example

Press Release

To all the press, radio and television stations, their locations

Dear Sir,

following the news about the so-called "1 st edition of Avezzano Jazz Festival" I read these days I must help to clarify some inaccuracies and the memory of those who administer culture in this city.

The first edition of Avezzano Jazz Festival - "First African American music festival" , took place at the Centre of Avezzano Cultural Services of the 1, 2 and 3 September 1989, by the then fledgling Jazz On Cultural Association, which I am privileged to chair. It is followed by as many as 12 editions of Avezzano Avezzano Jazz Festival until 2002, when our local government decided to exclude Jazz On the winter and summer events in the city. Obvious that from 2003 on Jazz On continued and continues to operate without any support from the administration itself.

Call " first " Jazz Festival a single initiative, without any connection to the recent history of the city and the district is frankly disconcerting: we are facing yet another attempt to cultural colonization , through so-called organizations, including nonprofit, covering the cultural initiatives that have very little as the rest of the same organizations that claim in their statement: " initiatives contribute to the creation of easily accessible but high-quality, strong tourist attraction not only for occasional visits, but for stays of more days, able to involve the wider and diverse range of local public .

understand the culture simply as a driving force for tourism initiatives, in addition able to involve the local public denotes indifference to culture, which is subject to other categories, such as policies to promote tourism, and Worse, it means considering the citizens of Avezzano little more than "peasants" .

The mayor and his administration, thus supporting the "first edition" of Avezzano Jazz Festival wanted to reset everything and forget what good has been done in Avezzano, with the sacrifice, and why not, the intelligence of all those Marsicani, enthusiasts, connoisseurs, musicians and business operators who have rediscovered and published the cultural identity of its own territory.


Giuliano Graziani

PS: read the articles on his blog Giuseppe Pantaleo /

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How Do I Open My Casehard Lock

Casadeipensieri2010. August 26 to September 20. The program took place at North Park and the program in libraries.

August 26, Thursday,
Hall debates central

"We speak of Bologna. Fever do "
Speakers: Simona Lembi, Mario Giovannini, Adriana Lodi, Virginio Merola, Gianluca Farinelli, Michael Mellara, Alessandro Rossi.

Screening of documentary film, "Fever to do. Bologna 1945-80 "by M. Mellara and A. Rossi, Mammutfilm, Bologna Cinematheque

the evening:
"Concerto Bologna", the piano Valeria Racco

Valeria Racco has performed music by:

LV Beethoven Waldstein (Sonata)

WA Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro (No more will you amorous butterfly)

G. Rossini: L 'Italian Girl in Algiers (Overture)

F. Chopin: Waltzes, Op. 64 No 2


August 27, Friday,
Hall debates central

"Chopin: 200, 2000. Chopin today, two centuries after "the piano
Dragan Babic, soprano Raffaella Battistini. Introductions
Piero Mioli.
Readings Silvana Strocchi.


28 August, Saturday,
Hall debates central
21 hours

"Caravaggio 400 years. The light, colors, darkness.
Caravaggio: Italy and Europe "
dialogue with Eugenio Riccomini.
leads Loretta Secchi.


August 29, Sunday,
Area women. New Moon
18 hours

"Giancarlo Codrignani. 80, years of a policy "
Speakers: Sandra Zampa,
Laura Renzoni Governors, Raffaella Lamberti and Giancarlo Di G. Codrignani

Codrignani:" 80, the years of a policy, "and Servitium.


August 29, Sunday,
Hall debates central
21 hours

"Vincenzo Cerami, a life of words.
literature, cinema, theater
Meeting with Vincenzo Cerami
and delivery to the writer of the "Targa memory of Paul Volponi.
Speakers: Gianluca Farinelli, Davide Ferrari, Giacomo Manzoli. Delivery
the plate Simona Lembi
Maurizio Deore running to the piano music by Nicola Piovani from "Life is Beautiful"

......................... .........

September 1, Wednesday,
Hall debates central

"Lift up your head to Europe
Piero Fassino, Enrique Baron Crespo, Lucia Serena Rossi
Interviewed by Julian Jubilees
By E. Baron Crespo: "The Treaty of Lisbon. The Charter of Fundamental Rights ", Euroediciones

" Notes for Europe ", the piano Francesco Ricci
.................. ................

September 6, Monday,
Library Trame, via Goito 3/cd

"The environment and man. The conditions for coexistence "
Dialogue with Paul Trost
spoke Enzo Valbuena and Bartholomew Bellanova

.............................. ....

September 7, Tuesday, Trame Library, via Goito 3/cd

"The novel"
Dialogue with Marco Antonio Bazzocchi
spoke Guido Armellini

............ ......................

September 8, Wednesday,
Melbookstore, Via Rizzoli 18

"History and / or truth?" Dialogue with Rolando
spoke Gianni Ghiselli

......... .........................

September 8, Wednesday,
Library at 21 North Park

"Dreaming of a normal school"
Meeting with Franco Cambi, Luigi War, Franco and Enzo Morgagni Frabboni.
Chair Bijoy M. Trentin

F. Frabboni: "Dreaming of a normal school, and Sellerio.


September 9, Thursday, Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza di Porta Ravegnana

"Science. Limit and Freedom "Dialogue with Giulio
Speaker Marco Capponi


September 9, Thursday,
Library at 21 North Park

"Read, understand, see: August 2, a slaughter against Democracy
Paolo Bolognesi, Lori M., Luciano Nadalin, Antonella Beccaria, Riccardo Lenzi, Claudio Nunziata, Walter Bielli, Bruno Interviewed by Mark Sacchetti Pinch

Chairman Maurizio Fabbri

By L. Machiavelli: "Massacre", Einaudi Stile Libero
A. Beccaria, R. Lenzi: "Primal against democracy", and Socially. By L.
Nadalini and G. Veronesi: "Bologna and the years of carnage", and Light House.


September 10, Friday, Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza Galvani 1h

"The philosophy of the limit"
Dialogue Eugenio Trias
spoke with Walter Tega


September 10, Friday,
Library at 21 North Park

"The school magazine"
magazines to study, protect, change the school
evening dedicated to Gianni Rodari

participate magazines:
"Teaching" Mario Ambeli
"school reform", Davide Ferrari, Franco Frabboni,
"Journal of Education," Giancarlo Cerini
School Today, "Augusto Pozzoli
" Science of the school, "Anna Armone
" Education 2.0 " Rosaria Petrella, Mario Fierli
"The Mill", Paul Ferratini
"pedagogical teaching", Massimo Baldacci
"Article 33", Ermanno These
"Donkeys", Luigi Monti
"Voices of the verb to teach," Magda Indiveri
" Pedagogik, Salvatore Guide

coordinates Ivana Summa

Simonetta Venturini reads "The Grammar of Fantasy" by Gianni Rodari


.......... ........................

September 11, Saturday, Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza di Porta Ravegnana a

"Bioethics, Culture and School" Dialogue with
Carlo Flamigni
spoke Rosanna Facchini

.............................. ....

September 11, Saturday
Library Park North
19 hours

"Organizing altruism. Globalization and welfare "
Meeting with Mauro Ceruti, Stefano Zamagni
Chair Graziella Di Giorgi

M. Ceruti and T. Treu: "Organising altruism. Globalization and Welfare ", Laterza ed.


September 11, Saturday,
Library Park North

"Next to the tiger"
Meeting with Lorenzo Pavolini
in dialogue with L. Di Stefano Tassinari

Pavolini: "Besides the tiger," Fandango Ed


September 11, Saturday,
Library Park North

22 hours "are common things of friends"
Meeting with Matthew Nucci, Alessandro
in dialogue with Castellari, Giuseppe Mario D'Agata and Trombino.

M. Di Nucci: "They are common things of friends", Ponte alle Grazie and

............................ ......

September 12, Sunday, North Park Library

18 hours

"The mask and the memory
Meeting with the Irish writer Hugo Hamilton
In dialogue with Marcello Fois and Vita Fortunati
Chair Carla Castelli

H. Hamilton, "The Mask" and Fazi.


September 12, Sunday,
Library of Moline, Moline because of the 3 / a

"Education, therefore, be" Dialogue with Dario
spoke Sandra Soster and Gabriella Di Maini

D. Misson: "education ergo sum", and Ediesse.


September 12, Sunday, North Park Library

21 Hours "Paul Vangelisti: America and Italy, the poem "
participate with the poet:
Nanni Balestrini, Luigi Ballerini, Milli Graffi. Chaired by Damian

Vangelisti P. Di, L. Ballerini, G. Rizzo: "New American poetry - New York, Basic Books.

September 13, Monday, Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza Galvani 1h

"Agnes Heller, a meeting with the thought" Dialogue

spoke with Agnes Heller and Laura Boella Othello

Ciavatta A. Heller, "The beauty of the good person ", publisher Diabasis


13 September, Monday, the North Park Library

21 Hours

"How many stars in the sky."
Meeting with the writer Edith Bruck and delivery of the "Targa memory of Paolo Volponi" In dialogue with
Frediano Sessi, Carlo Cesare and Sauces Saletti
Delivery plaque Andrea De Maria
Readings Marinella Manicardi
Chairman Fausto Tufts

By E. Bruck: "How many stars in the sky" and "Private", and Garzanti.
"Meet Edith Bruck," Documentary film by the Fondazione Villa Emma
"Edith Bruck, the weight of evidence", filmed by the Fondazione former Field Fossoli


September 14, Tuesday, Melbookstore, Via Rizzoli 18

"The talents of women. Scriptures and the feminine arts "Dialogue
spoke with Grace Anna Maria Tagliavini
................................. .....

September 14, Tuesday,
Library at 21 North Park

"clowning city. Bologna
Dialogue with Eraldo Turra and Lawrence Arabia
With operations Maurizio Cevenini, Carla Astolfi, Eros Drusiani, Luciano Lupo Manzalini
Leads Angel

By E. Turra, L. Arabia: "Bologna laughs, "Edizioni Minerva


September 15, Wednesday, Melbookstore, Via Rizzoli 18

multiculturalism. Identity: singular or plural? "
Dialogue with Graziella Giovannini
spoke Mattia Baglieri.

September 16, Thursday,
North Park Area Young Democrats

21 Hours "The Dragonfly. People in the resistance "
Dialogue with Bert D'Arragon, Roberto Barontini, Massimo and Luca Alessandrini Meliconi
Chair Vincenzo track

B. D'Arragon: "The Dragonfly. A story of people in the resistance, "and ISRPT


September 16, Thursday, the Moline Library, 3 Via delle Moline / a

"The poem" Dialogue with Gregory Scalise

spoke Bruno Brunini, Patrizia Gallo Finucci and Luca Gamberini

... ...............................

September 17, Friday, Irnerio Library, via Irnerio 27

"The cinema and its future" Dialogue with James
spoke Davide Ferrari and Giulio Pierini

........ .....................................

September 17, Friday, Senior
Square Park North

"San Michele had a wood"
Milena Naldi, Marco Camels, Mario Fanti, Paolo Pupillo, Teresa Guerra
Chair: Davide Barbieri

By M . Naldi: "Saint Michael had a forest. Views and visions on the hill of S. Michael in the woods from the '500 to the Present ", The Graphic Arts and


September 18, Saturday,
Area Young Democrats
North Park 19 hours

"The invisible barrier" Dialogue with Catherine
The Brasca Guttadauro and Leads Pier Paolo Paola Rubbi
Velonà By C.

Guttadauro The Brasca: "The invisible barrier," SBC editions

............................... ...

September 20, Monday, Coop Library Ambassadors, via Orefici 19

"150th anniversary of Italy. As he built the nation state.
A comparison with the history of Germany. "
Dialogue with Gian Enrico Rusconi
Speaker Joseph Giliberti

............................ ......

September 20, Monday, Room
IBO-Good Ideas for Bologna Parco Nord
0re 21

"Caravaggio 400 years. The light, colors, darkness.
painter Caravaggio and his art
Dialogue Daniele Benati
spoke Cristina Casali


September 20, Monday, Room
IBO-Good Ideas for Bologna
"Brindisi farewell to Casadeipensieri2011"

Thanks: Plots, Melbookstore, Tom Felton,
Library of Moline, and Library Irnerio
Library Coop
Ambassadors for their kind hospitality
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Can Cervix Be Low And Be Pregnant?

Casadeipensieri2010. Presented the program.

presented today at the Parco Nord in Bologna, Casadeipensieri2010 edition of the twentieth anniversary of the Unity Day cultural festival in Bologna.
The speakers, with Artistic Director David Ferrari, Piero Mioli, musicologist, poet Gregory Scalise. Massimo Meliconi presided.

................................................ .....................................

Unity Day of National Day of School Bologna

Culture. The legacy of this "
1991-2010: 20 issues Casadeipensieri

....................................... ..............................................

Twenty years ago, in a Unity Day profoundly affected by the change from PCI to PDS, was born the first major international event sponsored by the "House of thoughts, which in 1987 promoted events and book presentations.
editions have followed for two decades, a volunteer job that has few equals in the field of culture.
The formula has been gradually updated, but the "heart" of the proposal remains the same: the insight that around the new books can be promoted with events that they see the word, image, music. The content has followed different lines of research, not giving a peculiar trait of continuity and depth: the relationship between literature and social and civic life, the refusal of the closure and opening provincialistica to the literatures of Europe and the world. This year's program, which also contains a contribution, an original note, Roberto Roversi, is titled: "Culture, The legacy of this." Even the present, not only the past struggles for democracy and social justice, is in fact denied by the reading of the media covered by the patina of roughly. Cultural heritage of this will mean to analyze, with the instruments of memory and with an eye to the contradictions in which we live.
speech in Bologna, including "Today" and "yesterday", open the program from the movie "Fever to do." Here are dozens of events, thanks to the participation, among many others, such as personality Enrique Baron Crespo, Agnes Heller, Eugenio Trias, Hugo Hamilton, Paul Vangelisti, Nanni Balestrini, Giulio Giorello, Eugenio Riccomini, Mioli Piero, Daniele Benati, Carlo Flamigni, Pavolini Lorenzo, Matteo Nucci, Gregory Scalise, Marco Antonio Bazzocchi, Gian Enrico Rusconi, Rolando Dondarini, Giancarlo Codrignani, Lori Machiavelli.
The "Targa memory of Paul Volponi," which has become over the years one of the most significant awards promoted Bologna, this year goes to Vincenzo Cerami, a life of words in literature, cinema and theater and Edith Bruck, a great writer , a town of Europe, a witness of our time, the horror of the Holocaust today.

One important change: the program will take place in parallel to the rich program of North Park, some of the main libraries in the city center (see program of the series "The knowledge, dialogue), the sign of an indissoluble bond between Day and the city.

Casadeipensieri to the party National school with more opportunities for reflection and encounter with Franco Cambi, Luigi Guerra, Enzo Morgagni, Franco Frabboni, Graziella Giovannini, Dario Missaglia. With Mario and Giancarlo Cerini Fierli, we host the comparison between many, extraordinary magazines and online portals on education and the school year, among many other anniversaries, dedicated to the memory of Gianni Rodari.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Past and present
The note written by Roberto Roversi for Casadeipensieri2010

"The past is an open dump on the fly as a fist fight and
hundreds or thousands of gulls:
This is a river that goes into a dark cave where aspen, down below, a small light.
But this, in his mysterious wandering, singing or screaming on occasion.
between present and past is still a revolving door of oblivion, which opens and closes, letting in the archive of individual memories, but empty, however, still remains the fumigant for the actions or ideas or feelings already eaten, suffered, enjoyed, suffered, no regrets.
The past is thus made up of shadows and lights have been recognized, restored, cataloged, transcribed and recognizable to date clearly visible on the forehead.
This is arguably ambiguous and difficult uncertain and violent, leaving no truce all'ansimare hectic life, we feel the breath on my neck.
But today in this August of 2010, this is terrible and vile and forces us to watch for tears and sleepless cold fury.
"From a FIAT blow to the country."
"FIOM understand that the world has changed, there is no room for non-rewarding."
"For the work we have rights but also duties, crucial to safeguard our competitiveness" This
Marchionne Obama: thanks Sergio, The Fiat gets to the president at Chrysler have been reborn thanks to his courage ... "You did a great job." The reply: "The role of the U.S. government was different from the Italian." This
: New
meeting FIAT - unions and new diktat in all the factories as nothing else Pomigliano investment. " This
: Twenty billion investment in Italian factories, but the conditions of Marchionne.
This? This summer is a sea of \u200b\u200bblood along 50 km.
There is a battle being fought to the death on the field but the workers need to be recognized on the roof. "

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pot Light Placement Problems

Targa memory of Paul Volponi, 2010: Vincenzo Cerami and Edith Bruck

Culture: The legacy of this"

Bologna, August 14, 2010

The "Targa memory of Paul Volponi Casadeipensieri to" go for 2010, two protagonists of the Italian and European literature: Vincenzo Cerami and Edith Bruck.
news has been announced Davide Ferrari, artistic director of the international cultural promoted by the "House of Thoughts", the Unity Day.
Twenty years after the event, the recognition - which has become one of the major awards over the years promoted in the city of Bologna, is assigned to

Vincenzo Cerami, a life of words, so you define the writer, whose work includes the world-famous screenplays for film, the texts for the theater, poetry and fiction;

and Edith Bruck, the great Hungarian writer and Italian, a witness of our time, a child in the death camps, the most important writers of European literature. The undisputed

with Vincenzo Cerami debates will take place at Central Park North Hall, Sunday, Aug. 29, at 20.30, and will also feature a concert by Maestro Maurizio Deore, who will perform music by Nicola Piovani, from "Life is beautiful ", while a meeting with
Edith Bruck, the festival will be in the Library, Monday 13, at 21.

Antonia Babini
press office Casadeipensieri2010

T. 333 4275771

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How Long To Broil Striploin Steak

Casadeipensieri2010. Twentieth edition. The disappearance of Raoul

will be held in Bologna, in the Unity Day of Bologna and at the same the National Day of School sponsored by PD, North Park and other places in the city, from August 26 to September 20, 2010:

"Culture: the legacy of this"
1991-2010, twentieth edition

olre 40 events including book launches, conferences and thematic debates, plus concerts, screenings and readings.

150 guests, poets, novelists, artists, historians, philosophers, scientists, scholars of politics and society.

The program also "Targa memory of Paul Volponi, a recognition that it is one of the major cultural prizes promoted in the city of Bologna, and this year will see two assignments.

On August 23, Monday at 11 am, North Park, the press conference of presentation of events and perpetrators.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Visual Advance Golden Sun Cheats

Mahler - A month-long birthday (10)

Symphony 10 in F sharp major (1910)
five times for orchestra (unfinished - reconstruction of Deryck Cooke)

1. Adagio. Andante
2. Scherzo. Schnelle Vierteln ( In short )
3. Purgatory. Allegretto moderato
4. Scherzo. Allegro heavy. Nicht zu schnell. "Der Teufel tanzt es mit mir" (not too animated - The devil dance with me ).
5. Finale. Einleitung. [Langsam, schwer] ( Introduction. Lento, grave )

Employees (Adagio-Allegro): 3 flutes (3 also piccolo), 3 oboes, 3 clarinets, 4 horns, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, harp , partial arcs
First Run: Vienna, Grosser Konzerthaussaal, October 14, 1924 - I and III
Registration 19.12.2004 - Großer Musikvereinsaal, Vienna Wiener
Philharmonker conducted by Daniel Harding

Monday, July 26, 2010

How To Beat An Ankle Bracelett

Grassilli. Our condolences

Davide Ferrari, Artistic Director of Casadeipensieri, today expressed the condolences of the Association for the disappearance of Raoul Grassilli.
"It 's been a great actor. Perhaps the best on TV. His long and varied career he had found, in fact, not only the greatest popularity, but also a very high standard in some television productions. It was the sixties TV Educational and seventies, where the pensive face of difficult Grassilli impersonated characters, with a special ability to interpret the silence with a word misuratissima and the inner torment, a modernity steeped in psychoanalysis.
must be remembered primarily for those professional high quality, truly unique , although in Bologna has always been well known for its rich social activity, which always made him loved by the whole city.
remember him as our guest, several times, and friend, in particular for its wonderful readings from Edgar Morin, in 2007, and then by Cesare Pavese, in 2008, which had given us. "

For media
Antonia Babini

A Message For Christening Card

Short press release ...


La Gazzetta di Parma

Friday, July 23, 2010

Diamond Action Replay Party Pokemon Shiny

Mahler - A month-long birthday (9)

Symphony 9 in D major (1909) in four movements for orchestra

1. Andante, Mit Wut, Allegro resolute Leidenschaftlich,
Andante Tempo I ( Andante, with anger, Allegro determined, passionate, Andante Tempo I )
2. Time eines im gemachlichen Ländlers, täppisch Etwas und sehr derb
( Ländler In a quiet time, a little 'clumsy and very rude )
3. Rondo - Burleska, Allegro, Sehr trotzig - Adagio
( Rondo - Burleska, Allegro assai, very stubborn - Adagio )
4. Adagio

Workforce: piccolo, 4 flutes, 3 oboes, English horn, clarinet, 3 clarinets, bass clarinet, 4 bassoons (3 also contrabassoon), 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, bass drum, cymbals , tamtam, triangle, bell, glockenspiel, 2 harps, strings
First performance: Vienna, Großer Musikvereinsaal, June 26, 1912

Registration 05/06/2008 - Barbican Hall, London
London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Remove Ibanez Preamp

Mahler - A month-long birthday (8)

Symphony 8 in E flat major "Symphony of a Thousand" (1906)
two times for 3 sopranos, 2 altos, tenor, baritone and bass soloists, children's choir, mixed chorus and double orchestra

Text: Rabano Mauro, hymn "Veni Creator "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe," Faust "final scene of the tragedy

Part I:
1.Inno" Veni Creator Spiritu "- impetuous Allegro

Part II:
2.Scena end of Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Poco adagio - more moves. (Allegro moderato)


• Magna Peccatrix (soprano)
• A poenitentium (soprano) Mater glorious
• (Soprano) Mulier
• Samaritan (contralto) • Mary
aegyptiaca (contralto)
• Doctor Marianus (tenor)
• Pater ecstaticus (baritone) Pater
• Profundus (bass)

• • Double Mixed Chorus Choir of children

Employees: 2 piccolos, 4 flutes, 4 oboes, English horn, 2 clarinet, 3 clarinets, bass clarinet, 4 bassoons, contrabassoon, eight horns, four trumpets and four other horns placed at the top, 4 trumpets and trombones placed in 3 other high, tuba, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, tom-toms, triangle, bells, glockenspiel, celesta, harmonium, organ, piano, two harps, mandolin, strings
First performance: Monaco, Ausstelungshalle, September 12, 1910

Registration 08/11/2002 - Royal Albert Hall, London

Christine Brewer, soprano Soile Isokoski
soprano Rosemary Joshua, soprano Birgit Remmert
soprano Jane Henschel,
soprano Jon Villars, tenor
Peter Mattei, baritone
John Relyea, bass

City of Birmingham Symphony Youth Chorus
Toronto Children's Chorus
Sydney Philharmonia Chorus
London Symphony Chorus
City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus
National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Morrowind Goty German Nocd

Mahler - A month-long birthday (7)

Symphony 7 in E minor (1904-1905) five times for orchestra

1. Langsam (Adagio). Nicht schleppen ( Without drag ) - Allegro resolute, but not too
2. Nachtmusik (Night Music ). Allegro moderato
3. Scherzo. Schattenhaft ( Dark) - Trio
4. Nachtmusik (Night Music ). Andante loving
5. Rondo-Finale. Tempo I (Allegro ordinario) - Time II (Allegro moderato but energetic)

Employees: 2 piccolos, 4 flutes, 3 oboes, English horn, clarinet, 3 clarinets, bass clarinet, 3 bassoons, contrabassoon, horn, tenor, 4 horns , 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, tom-toms, triangle, glockenspiel, bells, bell, whisk, two harps, mandolin, guitar, strings
First performance: Prague, Národní Divadlo (National Theatre), September 19, 1908 20:06

Registration .2007 - Avery Fisher Hall, New York
New York Philharmonic conducted by Lorin Maazel

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gay Cruise Spots Portland

Mahler - A long birthday a month (6)

Symphony 6 in A minor "Tragic" (1903-1904) in four movements for orchestra

1. Allegro, but not too
2. Scherzo. Wuchtig
3. Andante moderato
4. Finale. Allegro moderato - Allegro energetic

Workforce: piccolo, 4 flutes (3 and 4 also piccolo), 4 oboes (3 and 4 also English horn), English horn, clarinet, clarinets 4 (4 also bass clarinet), 4 bassoons, contrabassoon, 8 horns , 6 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba, timpani, glockenspiel, bells, tom-toms, bells, hammer, xylophone, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, snare drum, tambourine, whip, castanets, celesta, 2 harps, strings
First performance: Essen , Stadttheater (Städtische Bühnen), May 27, 1906

Registration 28.05.2009 - Royal Festival Hall, London
Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen

Friday, July 16, 2010

Film En Streaming Foufoune

Mahler - A month-long birthday (5)

Symphony 5 in C sharp minor (1901-1903) five times in

for orchestra Part I:
1.Trauermarsch. In gemessenem Schritt. Streng. Wie ein Kondukt
(Funeral March, with measured gait, severe, like a funeral procession)
2.Stürmisch bewegt. Mit größter Vehemenz
(in proper time move, with the greatest vehemence)
Part II:
3.Scherzo. Kräftig, nicht zu schnell
(Scherzo, vigorous, not too early)
Part III:
4.Adagietto. Sehr langsam
(Adagietto, very slow)
5.Rondo-Final. Allegro. Allegro giocoso. Frisch
(Rondo-Finale, Allegro, Allegro giocoso, Brioso)

Employees: 4 flutes (3 and 4 also piccolo), 3 oboes (3 also English horn), 3 clarinets (3 also bass clarinet), 2 bassoons , contrabassoon, six horns, four trumpets, three trombones, tuba, timpani, drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, castanets, glockenspiel, tom-toms, harp, strings
Composition: Maiernigg, August 24, 1902
First performance: Cologne, Tonkünstlersaal, October 18, 1904

Registration 9.11.2002 - Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Gianandrea Noseda

Wallpaper Digital Playground

Mahler - A month-long birthday (4)

Symphony 4 in G major (1899-1900)
four times for orchestra and soprano solo

1. Bedächtig, Nicht Eilen, recht gemächlich
(Reflexive, not rushed, very comfortable)
2. Im gemächlicher Bewegung, ohne Hast
(With quiet movement, no hurry)
3. Ruhevoll
4. Sehr behaglich "Das Leben Himmlische"
(Very great "Heavenly Life")
for soprano solo from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn"

Workforce: soprano, four flutes (3 and 4 also piccolo), 3 oboes (3 also English horn), 3 clarinets (2 and 3 also also clarinet bass clarinet), 3 bassoons (3 also contrabassoon), 4 horns, 3 trumpets, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tamtam, glockenspiel, bells, harp, strings
Composition: Vienna, August 5, 1900
First performance: Monaco, Tonhalle, November 25, 1901
Edition: Doblinger, Vienna, 1902

Registration 27.07.2006 - Royal Albert Hall, London
Inger Dam-Jensen, soprano
Bamberger Symphoniker direct by Jonathan NOTT

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eugene Oregon Glory Hole

Mahler - A month-long birthday (3)

Symphony 3 in D minor (1895-1896)
six times for alto solo, female chorus, children's choir and orchestra

1. Part I:
(Forcefully, Decided)
Part II:
2. Time minuet: sehr mäßig
(minuet time: very mild)
3. Comodo, Scherzando, Ohne Hast
(Comodo, Scherzando, No hurry)
4. Sehr langsam, Misterioso "O Mennsch! Gib acht"
(Very slow, mysterious "Man is 'close')
alto solo from" Also sprach Zarathustra "by F. Nietzsche
5. Lustig und Keck im Ausdruck im Time "Es sungen drei Engel"
(Merrily rhythm and lively the expression "three angels sang")
for alto, female chorus and children's choir from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn"
6. Langsam, Ruhevoll, Empfunden
(Slow, Quiet, Heard)

Workforce: alto, female chorus, children's choir, flutes, 4 (3 and 4 also piccolo) 4 oboes (4 also English horn), 3 clarinets ( 3 also bass clarinet), 2 clarinet, 4 bassoons (including contrabassoon 4), 8 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba, timpani, tambourine, snare drum, tom-toms, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, whip, 4 bells, 2 glochenspiel, 2 harps, strings
Composition: Hamburg, August 6, 1896
First performance: Krefeld, Stadttheater (Vereinigte Städtische Bühnen), June 9, 1902

Registration 21.12.2008, Philharmonic Hall, Berlin.
Lioba Braun, contralto - Rundfunkchor Berlin - Tölzer Knabenchor
Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Zubin Mehta.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Canerous Cells Inside Nose

Mahler - A month-long birthday (2)

Symphony 2 in C minor "Resurrection" (1888-1894)
five times for soprano and alto soloists, chorus and orchestra mixed

1. Allegro. Mit durchaus ernstem und Ausdruck feierlichem
(Allegro. With absolutely serious and solemn expression)
2. Andante moderato. Sehr gemächlich
(Andante moderato. Very comfortable)
3. In ruhig fließender Bewegung
(With quiet and smooth movement)
4. "Urlicht" (primal light) - Sehr feierlich, aber Schlicht, Choralmässig
(Very simple but solemn, like a choir)
text taken from "Die Wunderhorn" by Ludwig Achim von Arnim and Clemens Brentano
5. Time Im des Scherzo. Wild herausfahrend. Allegro. Langsam. Mysterious
(Scherzo time. Wildly. Allegro. Slow. Misterioso)
contains the song "Die Auferstehung" (The Resurrection) by Friedrich Klopstock revised by Mahler.

Workforce: soprano, alto, mixed choir, 4 flutes (3 and 4 also piccolo), 4 oboes (3 and 4 also English horn), 3 clarinets (3 also bass clarinet), 2 clarinets Small, 4 bassoons (including contrabassoon 4) , 10 horns (70 to 10 as "distant"), 10 trumpets (4 "distant"), 4 trombones, tuba, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tam-tam 2, birch, Glockenspiel, 3 bells , harp, strings, organ
Composition: Hamburg, July 25, 1894
First performance: Berlin, Unter den Linden Singakademie am, December 13, 1895

Registration of 21.06.2003, Avery Fisher Hall, New York.

Jessica Jones, soprano
Kallisch Cornelia, mezzo-soprano
New York Choral Artists directed by Joseph Flummerfelt
New York Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Lorin Maazel