"evil tongue" in a bookstore.
A "bad language" in the library. Davide Ferrari
the Feltrinelli
Monday, November 9, at 18, the Libreria Feltrinelli di Piazza di Porta Ravegnana 1, Bologna will be presented the new book by David Ferrari.
"evil tongue. A campaign on the tip of a pen."
With a preface by Flavio Delbono and a note of the journalist and literary critic Etienne Salvadore the book, published by Format, welcomes italics Ferrari Unità di Bologna, written each day during the recent election campaign to elect the new Mayor.
Inerverranno Giancarla Codrignani, Carlo Flamigni, Andrea De Maria, Onida Donati and the new secretary of the regional PD Stefano Bonaccini .
Chair Simonetta Simoni, professor at the University Venice, manager of Books Format
For media
Antonia Babini
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