Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Centrifuge Ridgecrest


Mario Monicelli. A friend of ours. A terrible act, for all ages and in all conditions. He wanted to die alive. Only this we are sure.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Apply Extensions?

The past, oh this!

Video produced by Casadeipensieri at the States General of the culture promoted by the PD of Bologna. The video
, has a text drawn from the explanatory note, "The Past, the Present," written by Roberto Roversi for Casadeipensieri2010, with music by Giovanni Battista Martini in juvenile executions taken from video on YouTube, and takes place in a sequence of images of historical figures and life cultural Bologna.
The art direction is by David Ferrari, the realization by Mazzanti Media.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Gingerbread Kosher

Available "Gaslini Symphony 3" (Velut Moon)

Available the new cd of jazz pianist and composer Giorgio Gaslini, " Sinfonico3 Gaslini", published by Velut Moon, which I participated as a pianist for the song "The forest of Beuys' directed by Roberto Bonati and registered at the Parma Frontiere Jazz Festival 2008.

for baritone voice, small female chorus, clarinet, cello, piano and percussion
(text taken from an interview with Mark Bagnoli artist Joseph Beuys - a permit for Lucrezia De Domizio Durini)

Valdis Jansons, baritone /
Oak Ensemble: Marco Unknown , clarinets / Sgobbi Alexander, piano / Buti Gregorio, cello / Gregory Ferrarese, percussion / Giorgio Ubaldi, choir director / Roberto Bonati , director

Casa della Musica, Parma, November 8th, 2008.

Los Angeles Dmv Easiest

A conversation with Guido Fanti.

Bologna.-Dialogue of the city.

16 November 2010 to 18 at Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza Galvani 1 / h,
meeting on
"Bologna 2050. The future starts today. Dialogue with the city Guido Fanti"
spoke Sergio Lo Giudice and Davide Ferrari .
leads Marco Sacchetti. Events
The Feltrinelli in collaboration with Casadeipensieri.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dell Inspiron 1525 Sd/mmc Cared Reader Driver

Aphorisms Protestants: review of Marco Buttafuoco

New review for my album Aphorisms Protestants: Marco Buttafuoco on giudiziouniversale.it.

Here's the link: